brazilian wax tampa

The Best Brazilian Wax Service in Tampa

Popular Waxing Services

  • Underarm

    Brighten and exfoliate the underarms with a wax!

  • Brazilian

    As much or as little as you want off the front. Includes the bikini line and bum strip.

  • Vajacial

    Treat your flower to a vajacial, this service is for the bikini area + bikini line to help with bumps, discoloration + ingrown hair.

Waxing Prices


How long should the hair be before getting a brazilian wax?

The hair should be the size of a grain of rice and if you’ve been shaving, let it grow out for at least 2 weeks.

Can I wax on my period?

Absolutely! As long as you have a tampon or diva cup on.

How often should I get waxed?

Every 4-6 weeks.

It depends on your tolerance but the more you wax the thinner and sparse your hair will be making it so much more tolerable.

Does waxing hurt?